Monday, January 19, 2015

Kodak time!

Pete and Jenny wearing their Colts jerseys a we are going to play then go home and watch the game! Too bad the Cikts choked and lost the game big time!
Fun at the park isn't for just the kids, we got in in the picture taking too!
Jenny us such a pretty woman! I recently colored her hoar for her with red highlights!
Yeah pretty much we are best friends and it is fun to have a partner in crime!

Fun with the kids

We have been able to spend a lot of time with the little kids this week! We have had dinner together, lunch together and fun at the park and back yard! Jordan was playing like the toy box was his bed an wanted me to take pictures!
Grandma bought Juliet some sunglasses and she loved them! She wanted to take her baby for a walk so she could show them off!
Fun on the back patio with the kids and Papa! What a beautiful day, we played while Pete cooked dinner! Yummy taquitos!
Thus little girl and her box, amazing how much fun a Bix can be!

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Lunch Time

It is sometimes hard to get Jackson to eat. He is a pretty picky eater. Today though he had a good excuse as he was bonding with his kitty Sky. He has such a good heart and tries hard to do the right things, but he is growing up and finding his own independence which sometimes clashes with what the grown ups want! He can be stubborn as well as strong! He is reading so super good that it gives me shock and awe moments for sure! He just licks up anything and reads every word and understands what he is reading! Head and shoulders above his peers!
Grandma made cupcake treats for after lunch. Jordan really liked the frosting and said yum yum! He is a good little eater and always is grateful for his food. Jordan says the sweetest prayers if you can talk him into it! 
Now Miss JuJu she will eat anything! She loves to eat and often. She is such a tiny little girl so she can't pack too much in so bit has to happen more often for her! She is in such a cute phase now and she smacks her lips and makes slurping sounds when she eats so you know it's good!

Sunday, January 4, 2015

New Year New Life

Well, 2015 came in with a fury in Tucson. New Years Eve it started to snow, in the desert. We did not expect this when we moved here to escape the cold weather of Utah. Ok, we really moved here to be closer to Pete's family. It makes for a great story though. We went from 75 degrees on December 31st, to snow on January 1st. It is beautiful though for sure.

We lovingly nicknamed these snow tipped Saguaro Cacti, desert candy canes. They were stunning. We drove to the west mountains by Tucson and drove up into the park. What a treat that was. The weather was very cold, only 40 degrees, but we braved it anyway and were rewarded for our sacrifice. What beauty there was everywhere we looked. The Saguaro's on this side of Tucson are much more prevalent than they are on the east side. They are everywhere dotting the landscape, each one a magical mythical figure to us. We find ourselves saying over and over...oh look at that one!

The day wouldn't be complete without a selfie of us two adventure seekers. We feel it keeps us young. We love going out and discovering everything there is and then some. We have started geocaching again so many more good times to follow this year on our blog.

Friday, January 2, 2015

Back to the Future 2015

It's time to start putting paint on the blank canvas of the year 2015!!! It's funny to think that we watched a movie when our kid we te teenagers called "Back to the Future" that actually had the teen star go aged to the future of 2015! We look forward to the new year with hope in our hearts and complete trust in The Lord to guide us in what we need to do and where we need to be! Happy 2015

Day trip to the West Mountains

Th west mountains if Tucson are an extension of the Saguaro National Park. Part of the park is on te Far East side and this one is on the far west. There are actually more saguaros in the west side. Today the cacti were particularly beautiful as it snowed in Tucson last nightAll the saguaros  are covered or tipped with white snow which makes them really stand out against the green desert mountains! Beautiful!
I got to spend the afternoon with my adventure buddy! We can always find somewhere to explore here! So much to see so little time!