Saturday, November 2, 2013

The Big Beginning

This is the Big Beginning for me! I have had a year of Soul Restoration and Soul Comfort through the Brave Girls' Club. It has been a year of discovery, restoration, inner cleansing, and for sure redefinition of ME! I have learned so much and made some incredible cyber friends. Through this journey I have discovered that I have worth, talent, love and faith. I have gained a deeper appreciation for who I am and what I am. I have learned to not allow people into my Soul House that would destroy, undermine, peel the paint from my walls and break my windows. I have had to mentally, physically, and emotionally 'kick out' those who do not belong or share my vision of my life.
Was this hard? Oh, yes it was! Was it worth it? In every way!
As I post on this blog you will come to realize the gentle, slow reformation that has occurred over the year!
 As I begin this blog I wanted to share something that I also discovered that has brought so much love, peace, and joy to my life...a new talent!!!


Through my leather cuffs I am able to stamp positive affirmations to be worn as strength throughout the day. Survive had particular meaning to me. We are all survivors of one way or another.

I was taught early on in my life that I should always, "Bloom Where I Am Planted". I carried this theme throughout my life as a military wife. I was planted in many places, in many lands. I always tried my best to "Bloom", to make a difference with my life.

My son Dustin owns a Tattoo shop in Illinois. I asked him if I could display some of my leather cuffs in his shop. He consented and so I set about to do some that might appeal to his clientele. Do It is also another phrase I grew up with. We should never just stand idly by watching others lift, love, and serve...we shouldn't wonder what, but just DO IT!

I have learned over the course of this past year that I am Strong. I have learned to build strength through learning, doing, and becoming what I was intended. I have stretched my wings, I have learned to fly and it is wonderful. Being strong doesn't meant we don't face fear, rejection, depression, discouragement or trials. We are human after all and we all face those things. Strength comes in how we handle them, how we face the things that tend to undermine us and throw us off the path. Being strong can be a gentle touch, a soft whispered word, a wink or a nod. I am finding my inner strength, It is a daily thing for me.

Having said that, then I happily stamped this cuff. Hope! There is hope for all of us, there is hope for a new day, a new beginning, and new life. A life filled with light, love, and learning. There should never be a day when you say...I am bored. I cannot even fathom that concept. To me there is not enough hours in a day to do all that I want and need to do. That is what is so exciting about life. Each new day, each new beginning, each fulfilling of a goal or project.

A sweet new friend I found through Brave Girls Club is Joelle Broughton. She put out there that we could stamp some cuffs and send to her. She has an avenue for selling the cuffs through and friend. She stipulated that they should have a cowgirl theme. So being the over achiever that I am, I set about stamping out a few cuffs to send to her. This is my Cowgirl one. Turquoise is my new favorite color these days.

I have learned over the past year that I am also very loved. This cuff had a special meaning for me. Being loved is the most important thing we can know.